
Dr Dawie Botes, Dr William Zulu and Dr Moses Zulu with the special framed Certificate of Appreciation to the DRC Free State as a gift.



“During this synod meeting, I once again, reconnected with my theological heartbeat, namely witness ministry, or mission work. During the sermon and singing, I was once more struck by the realisation of how the Lord sustains His Church; that we, as instruments in the Lord’s hands, form part of a small link in the great chain of God’s Kingdom. I had a profound spiritual experience there.”

Dr Dawie Botes
Vice-chairman: DRC Free State Moderature




It touches you deeply when, for the first time, you experience the worship of Christ in one of our family churches in Africa. Apart from the heavenly harmonisation of four-part hymns without the accompaniment of musical instruments, it is especially the large number of members attending worship services and the knowledge that this is the fruit of dedicated missionary work that will move you.

Dr Dawie Botes, the vice-chairman of the NG Church Free State Moderature, can testify to this after visiting the Dutch Reformed Church in Zambia (DRCZ)congregation and the Reformed Church in Zambia (RCZ) from Monday, 12 August to Friday, 16 August as a delegate of the DRC Free State.


Dr Dawie Botes, Dr Moses Zulu and Rev. Willem Schoeman at the DRC Lusaka Congregation.


The DRCZ Congregation, a Unique Multicultural Church

The DRCZ congregation is a unique church that is part of the Northern Synod of the DRC and is the northernmost DRC congregation in Africa. As a multicultural congregation, their services are offered in Afrikaans and English.

Dr Botes was welcomed at Lusaka airport by Rev. Willem Schoeman, the minister of this special congregation, and taken to his church where he also met Dr Moses Zulu, Rev. Schoeman’s co-pastor.

“What is very special about this DRCZ congregation is that it is a combined congregation,” says Dr Botes. “I had the privilege of attending their church council meeting on the evening of Monday, 12 August. We read from 1 Peter 2, verses 1 to 10, and I was very impressed with the excellent attitude with which the meeting took place.

“The congregation is served by Rev. Willem Schoeman, who leads the Afrikaans (and English) services, and Dr Moses Zulu, who is responsible for the English services. The two colleagues work very well together, and their unity has a very positive influence on the church council and congregation.”

Dr Zulu shares: “Rev. Willem Schoeman is the third Afrikaans-speaking DRC minister with whom I have served the DRC in Zambia since 2014. The previous ministers, like Rev. Schoeman, were all wonderful colleagues. Rev. Schoeman has been my colleague here for two years now.

“This multicultural congregation’s boundary covers the southern part of Zambia, with monthly Afrikaans services in Lusaka, Livingstone, and Chisamba. The English service takes place weekly in Lusaka and is attended by locals and foreigners from Europe, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Malawi.

“Due to this dynamic in our congregation, there is a constant migration of people, which makes our ministry very challenging. Especially our members coming from South Africa find it difficult to find their feet in this environment, something we gladly assist them with – helping them feel at home in our midst.

“Of course, it is usually very challenging to work with another minister. Pastors can easily differ from one another or become competitive but fortunately my ministry since 2014 has been a very positive experience with all the Afrikaans-speaking ministers I have worked with. We have always been able to resolve our cultural differences without conflict. On the contrary, I have always received good support from my colleague, Rev. Willem Schoeman, and my Afrikaans-speaking members.

“This contributes greatly to our congregation functioning as a united body. We tackle everything as one family – from our administrative church council tasks to being a unified church.”


The combined church council of the DRC Lusaka


Our Close Partnership with the DRC Free State

“The origin and foundation of our partnership with the RCZ lies deeply with the DRC Free State. It is thanks to their missionary work that this partnership exists,” explains Dr Zulu. “It was on July 5, 1899, under a mpundu tree at Magweru in the eastern part of Zambia, where Rev. PJ Smit and Rev. JM Hofmeyr began to dream of church planting in Zambia.

“Since then, the bonds between the RCZ and the DRC in Zambia have been well nurtured, as has the partnership we have with the DRC Free State. We gladly visit each other regularly, thereby maintaining our mutual church family ties, something that is of inestimable value to all of us.

“As the DRC in Zambia, we still cherish this relationship. We also support theology students assigned to our congregation with a monthly allowance, something our congregation has sustained for 15 years now.

“It was, therefore, a great privilege for me, Dr Dawie Botes, and Rev. Willem Schoeman when the RCZ invited us this year to their 33rd synod meeting in Kathethe.”


The site where the RCZ originated under a mpundu tree.


Visiting Historic RCZ sites

Before their visit to the RCZ Synod meeting, Dr Zulu first took Dr Botes and Rev. Schoeman to a few historic RCZ sites.

Dr Botes shares: “The cemetery at RCZ Madzimoyo near Chipata touched me very deeply. I then realised how many sacrifices had to be made for the sake of the Gospel. Many missionaries, their wives, and even children are buried there. The heart-wrenching words on the grave of a baby that read, ‘Safe in Jesus’ arms,’ moved me deeply. The message I received there was that we too must make sacrifices for the sake of the gospel.”

Rev. Schoeman expresses his experience of the cemetery as follows: “We stand under a tree, looking at the graves of Afrikaans missionaries who brought the light of the Gospel to Zambia. The small grave of a child named Hendrik Jacobus Kriek, who was not even a year old, touches me deeply. What must have gone through the minds of the couple standing by that open grave? I feel the tears welling up inside me. As I understand it, it was due to malaria.

“Involuntarily, I ask myself whether all their sacrifices, leaving everything behind to come to Zambia, were worth it. Our guide, Rev. Moyo, says the words on the stone are in ‘a foreign language.’ He does not understand them. But for me, it is not a foreign language; it is Afrikaans. It is my mother tongue. Was it worth it? I think of Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 15:58: ‘… your labour in the Lord is not in vain.'”

The second place visited was a monument honouring the four pillars on which the mission to Africa was built. Dr Botes explains: “The first pillar was to bring the news of Jesus Christ to Zambia. The second pillar was the education of people; they needed to learn to read and write. The third pillar was medical services. People’s health was important – many diseases needed treatment. The fourth pillar was agriculture. New, more effective farming methods had to be taught to the people for the sake of food security. These four pillars remain the focus points of the church to this day.”

The group also visited a youth gathering. Rev. Schoeman shares: “I look up and hear the loud praise songs of hundreds of teenagers during a youth gathering of eleven RCZ congregations in the Madzimoyo church before us. You can hear the praise songs from afar.
“And I realise: the little church that the missionaries planted is not dead; it is alive. The Lord has blessed the RCZ. Later that day, we would visit the mpundu tree under which the first service was held on July 5, 1899. The church that began under a tree has grown to over 1 million members!”

Dr Botes shares: “We also visited the School for the Blind and Deaf at Magwero, which was started by the pioneering woman, Dr Elsie Botes. One can only imagine the incredible determination it must have taken for Dr Botes to start and establish something like this.”

Rev. Schoeman adds: “Mr. Lungu, who is himself blind, read to us in braille. He also trains other blind people.”

“This school has helped many people besides RCZ members – it has been a great blessing to everyone in Zambia,” says Dr Botes. “Thanks to the sacrifices of our forefathers and foremothers, we can now see the fruit of their labour. Great and moving work is still being done here under very difficult circumstances and with limited resources.”



The Wednesday evening at the opening of the Synod Meeting


The RCZ Synod Meeting

The highlight of Dr Botes, Dr Zulu, and Rev. Schoeman’s visit to the RCZ was the opening of the synod meeting on Wednesday, August 14. The synod meeting took place from August 14 to 17 at the Kathethe Secondary Girls’ Hostel School, with “Flourishing in Christ” (John 15:5) as the theme. Dr Zulu and Rev. Schoeman represented the DRC of Zambia, while Dr Dawie Botes represented the DRC Free State. During this occasion, they also delivered greeting messages from their respective churches.

Dr Botes shares: “The synod opening on Wednesday evening was a profound experience for me. Prof. Edwin Zulu, former moderator of the RCZ and previously head of postgraduate studies and research at Justo Mwale University and currently the deputy vice-chancellor at Zambia Open University in Lusaka, delivered the sermon with Deut. 10:12 as the text verse.
“Afterwards, Dr William Zulu, general secretary of the RCZ, presented a special framed Certificate of Appreciation to the DRC Free State as a gift; a gesture that we greatly appreciate.”

Rev. Schoeman recounts: “The hall was packed with delegates from all over Zambia. It was an inspiring experience when they began to sing a capella, and it felt as though the roof of the hall was lifted.

“They also shared with us their new vision: the church is a Chichewa church, but they want to break the language barrier and reach areas where other languages are spoken. They asked for our prayers for this.”

Dr Botes testifies: “During this synod meeting, I once again connected with my theological heartbeat, namely, the witness ministry or mission. During the sermon and singing, I was reminded of how the Lord sustains His church; that we, as instruments in the Lord’s hands, are part of a small link in the great chain of God’s Kingdom. I experienced a profound spiritual encounter there.”


In Conclusion

“The sacrifices of the missionaries were not in vain!” testifies Rev. Schoeman. “The Lord has blessed the church abundantly. It is the largest church in the family of Reformed churches in Southern Africa; it is larger than the DRC.

“The Afrikaans words on the graves testify that it is part of our Afrikaner heritage. We must cherish the bond with the RCZ!”

Dr Botes shares: “I was moved by the sacrifices made by the missionaries, the singing of the youth, my experience under the mpundu tree – the church that continues to go from strength to strength – it will always remain one of the highlights of my ministry.”


Contact Dr Nico Mostert at for more information.


RFF Group 2023

Back row fltr: Rev. TK Ilesanmi (LDI, South Africa)), Dr Ryan Faber (Resonate Global Mission, Zambia), Rev. Pule Sejake (DRCA, South Africa), Rev. Vasco Kachipapa (CCAP Nkhoma, Malawi), Dr Christopher Munikwa (RCZ Zimbabwe & SA), Dr Luka Ariko (RCEA Kenya), Rev. Alberto Daniel (IERA, Angola), Rev. Victor Moleluque (IRM Novo, Mozambique). Middle row fltr: Dr Nico Mostert (Partners in Witness DRC Free State, SA), Dr Elias Mohnla (URCSA, South Africa), Rev. Ivan Akash Sirpal (RCA, South Africa), Rev. Samuel Besitala (IRM Mphatso, Mozambique), Mariëtte Odendaal (Communication, Witness Minisytry, South Africa), Rev. Jaco Botha (represented Witness Ministry, Western Cape, South Africa), Dr Daniël de Wet (Witness Ministry, Western Cape, South Africa). Front row fltr: Rev. Joao Herbarth (IRM Tumbine, Mozambique), Rev. Kingstar Chipata (CCAP Harare, Zimbabwe), Dr William Zulu (RCZ, Zambia), Me Letjani Moatshe (DRCB, Botswana), Rev. Martin Phate (LECSA, Lesotho), Dr Mias van Jaarsveld (Christian Literature Fund, Wellington, South Africa).

*Dr Gustav Claassen from the DRC South Africa was also present at the meeting, but not when the photo was taken.


This year the Reformed Family Forum once again had a very informative and inspiring meeting. It took place from Monday 23 to Thursday 26 October at the Andrew Murray Centre for Spirituality.

General secretaries from our sister churches in Africa that originated from missionary work in Africa initiated by the DRC since the 19th century were present.

Relevant topics were discussed such as “Good governance as key to a more sustainable church and church institutions” presented by Rev. TK Ilesanmi, the executive director of Leadership Development Initiave (LDI) based in South Africa.

Other topics that were discussed were the future of Reformed theological education in Africa, the effect of climate change and natural disasters on our churches, and theological and ethical reflections on church governance.

The meeting was also privileged to be visited by the Dr Hennie van Deventer, former principal of the JMTI, theological training college at Nkhoma, Malawi, Dr Frederick Marais, (DRC Western Cape Synod, South Africa), Dr Nadia Marais (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa), Rev. Marinus Theron, moderator of the DRC Western Cape, Rev. Stephen Pedro, manager of Witness Ministry Western Cape and Dr Kobus Odendaal, former manager of Witness Ministry.

May God bless this vibrant and inspiring church leaders of our Reformed churches in Africa.

Reaf more about these sister churches at HERE.

If you have not seen your family for a long time and you are used to seeing them at least once a year, it is bad if it has been two years since you could hang out. But luckily there is something like WhatsApp and Zoom!

And so it was on Monday afternoon when members of the Reformed Family Forum could see each other on their computer screens for the first time this year during a zoom meeting. It was arranged by Nico Mostert, manager of Partners in Witness of the Dutch Reformed Church Free State Synod and of NetACT

It was great to be able to ‘see’ all the general secretaries, who represented their different churches. Our sister churches from Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland and also the RCA, our Indian sister church in South Africa, have joined.

After Nico Mostert welcomed everyone, Akash Sirpal (RCA) opened with Isaiah 30 and a prayer. After that, everyone had the opportunity to briefly share how he or she was doing. After that, the group discussion began, led by Kobus Odendaal manager of Witness Ministry.

There was a particular focus on the most negative effects the current pandemic has on our church experience, like fake news, conspiracy theories and how to deal with it as church leaders. There was also a discussion of ways to revitalize our congregations.

One of the biggest challenges we face as a church is maintaining the need to be together as a family in Christ, especially through zoom church services. However, it appears that it is only possible for middle or higher income groups, due to the high data costs. However, some churches gather in very small groups and then keep their distance, wear masks and wash their hands. Other churches’ church leaders are again planning presbytery visits to encourage their people.

The absence or restriction of church services has, of course, caused a huge financial crisis, as many people do not have a culture of internet banking donations, but only contribute through their offerings on a Sunday. Something that has decreased a lot in the current situation.

With regard to the fake news and conspiracy theories, it has been emphasized that it depends on the trust in who and what the people believe. It is therefore very important that church leaders, for example, share photos of their vaccinations on social media – in this way it creates trust with people who are still skeptical.

To help with this, Berlise Louwrens of CLF provided the group with a lot of useful information:

She also shared the following with us to facilitate ministries:

Amidst the confusing messages that fly around, the church has a task to convey a message of hope in the way we reach out to one another and in the way we provide support to the marginalized people in our communities. May God’s presence be experienced through our acts of hope.

Something like the vaccine is a form of hope, to help others in need is a form of hope. We are all in the same storm, only in different boats; help each other where needed. Turn away from yourself and see where you can bring relief.

The meeting ended with a prayer by Tebatso Menyatso of the DRCB, our sister church in Botswana.

The first 30 bags of rice are transported to the boat from Pemba to Namau in Northeastern Mozambique.


The Barnabas Fund ( in the United Kingdom is a relief organization with a passion for the church in need and tribulation worldwide. On their website it says, “Barnabas stands alongside our Christian brothers and sisters where they suffer discrimination and persecution by providing aid through our partners on the ground encouraging prayer, telling their untold story and speaking out on their behalf.” Continue reading

The five new theology graduates and their wifes

We want to congratulate our sister church in Malawi, the CCAP Nkhoma on the five new theological students who graduated on Saturday 23 May at the Josophat Mwale Theological Institute (JMTI). They are Gerald Chinkoka, Yohane Kamwendo, Peter Mawonde, Ackim Mgundadzuwa and Tarrent Mwanza and will be placed in congregations on Friday 29 May. “We believe they will be good pastors,” says the General Secretary, Rev. Vasco Kachipapa. Continue reading

The RCA (Reformed Church in Africa) had their Ministers Retreat from 11 to 13 August this year at Camperdown in KwaZulu-Natal. It was facilitated by our CTAM (Committee for Training and Admission into the Ministry), their curatorium.

It was a privilege that our Modertor, Rev. Kovilan Moodley and the Secretary of our CTAM, Dr Gideon van der Watt, were also present. Dr Van der Watt facilitated our discussions on the future training of our ministers, new models for ministry and the future growth of the RCA.

“There was a lot of story sharing in the different contexts we work in,” says Rev. Sirpal, General Secretary of the RCA.

We congratulate Dr Nobre, lecturer at HEFSIBA in Northwest-Mozambique with his PhD that he received from the Faculty of Theology, North West University, Potchefstroom Campus on 18 July 2019.

His thesis was about “The calling of the Reformed Church in Mozambique towards gender equality in church and society.”

Miguel Nobre was born in Central Mozambique in a rural area called Fingoe, and as almost all the children of his time and environment, at an early age he joyfully tendered the cattle of his grandfather in the fields, during school holidays.

In January 2003 he was consecrated as pastor at Kawenga Congregation of the Reformed Church in Mozambique; presently, he is a lecturer at Christian Superior Institute of the Reformed Church in Mozambique, where he has also served as the Dean of Studies for the last six years.

In 2017, he has been elected the General Secretary for Mphatso Synod of the Reformed Church in Mozambique, for a four year tenure office.

He is married to Aurora Jaime Phiri Nobre and they have three children, namely: Alsides Nobre, Tessalónika Nobre and Ilundy Nobre.

In his thesis, The calling of the Reformed Church in Mozambique towards gender equality in church and society, he has explored the Mozambican society and the impact brought in by the Portuguese colonialism up to the 1960’s, the struggle of independence of the country from the mid 1960’s to the mid 1970’s and the 16 year civil war from 1976 to 1992.

Throughout the above-mentioned timeline, he has explored gender relationships and has showed how women have been discriminated against, in the church and in the society.

He has demonstrated that in the Reformed Church in Mozambique in particular, men erroneously use(d) Scripture to keep women out of office, thus compromising the full participation of women in the Missio Dei.

This thesis clearly calls the attention of the Reformed Church in Mozambique to make use of the recommendations herein towards gender equality, given that the ultimate purpose of this thesis was to assess how the Reformed Church in Mozambique can partake in the Missio Dei by promoting gender equality: firstly in the church; secondly in the society through her vocational calling.


                   Fltr Rev Dinah j Tuwei, Rev Lydia Jebet Tanui and Rev Philisters Tuwei Keter


Our sister church in Kenya, the RCEA (Reformed Church of East Africa) made an historical decision during their 54th synod meeting, namely to include women in the ministry of the Word and sacraments.

The following first women to be ordained were Rev. Philisters Tuwei Keter who was ordained on 29 July at RCEA Cheptiret Parish, Eldoret, Rev. Lydia Jebet Tanui who was ordained on 12 August at RCEA Kipsinende Parish, Eldoret and Rev Dinah J Tuwei who was ordained on last Sunday, also at RCEA Kipsinende Parish, Eldoret.

The RCEA was established in 1944 when the DRC of South Africa started to do missionary work in Eldoret, Kenya.

The RCEA became independent in 1963 and currently has more than 200 congregations and 30,000 members. It also has more than 110,000 followers.

We still maintain good relations with the church there, and through NetACT ( we also have close contact with their theological school in Eldoret.

The RCEA is also a member of the World Community of Reformed Churches.

Contact their General Secretary, Rev. Jonah Lagat at for more information.

BACK, flrtr: Danny Fourie (CLF), Brian Kamwendo (CCAP Nkhoma Synod, Malawi), Kovilan Moodley (RCA, SA), Alberto Daniels (IERA, Angola), Jonah Lagat ((RCEA, Kenya), Kobus Odendaal (Witness Ministry, DRC Western Cape Synod and URCSA Cape Region Synod), Charles Juro (RCZ, Zimbabwe), Gustav Claassen (DRC, SA), Charmaine Stofberg (CLF). CENTRE, fltr: Arnau van Wyngaard (SRC, Swaziland), Nico Mostert (NetACT), Gabriel Marata (IRM: Novo Synod, Mozambique), Andries Hoffman (DRCA, SA), Nelson Posholi (LECSA, Lesotho), Mariëtte Odendaal (Communications Consultant), Berlise Louwrens (CLF), FRONT, fltr: Gideon van der Watt (Partners in Witness, DRC Free State Synod), Johanna van Wyngaard, William Zulu (RCZ, Zambia), Masilo Pooyane (DRCB, Botswana), Miguel Nobre (IRM, Mphatso Synod, Mozambique), Desireé Brown (URCSA, SA) and Kingstar Chipata (CCAP, Harare Synod, Zimbabwe)


“It was indeed a blessed moment to have a conference of that magnitude. I was blessed in particular, to understand prosperity gospel and public theology among other pressing societal needs.” Rev. Jonah Lagat, General Secretary of the (RCEA) Reformed Church of East Africa in Kenya.

“This might appear small in your eyes, but be assured that you are investing treasures in us which no one will take away from us. What we gathered in the last meeting is just super as it empowered us as scribes in our respective denominations across its region … May the good God richly bless you and keep you safe all the time as you continue investing in leadership in the church in Africa.”  Dr. William Zulu (RCZ, Zambia)


If you sit around a table with representatives of all our Reformed sister churches in Africa and reflect about being church in Africa, you can not help to be amazed: at the head of the table sit two newly-found friends – the general secretary of the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa, Rev. Nelson Posholi and Dr. William Zulu, the general secretary of the Reformed Church in Zambia – respectively descendants of Moshoeshoe and Shaka, who were still archenemies in the 19th century during the infamous Difaqane (time or troubles); now developing a close friendship. Right across me sits the general secretary of Angola’s Igreja Evangélica Reformada de Angola, Alberto Daniels – someone who was as recently as thirty years ago still from a hostile country.

So what has happened in the meantime?

The Reformed Family Forum (RFF) was established in 2015 as a result of the need for liaison between our sister churches in Africa and to celebrate and strengthen our shared family history, confession tradition and identity on our continent. This forum should not only serve as a network but, above all, provide a platform where this church family can brainstorm and reflect on what the current role and challenges of the church of Christ in Africa are.

This year we met at the beautiful Lumko Institute’s Retreat and Conference Center in Benoni from 3 to 5 August.

The RFF ( currently consists of the general secretaries of a family of Reformed churches in South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi, Kenya, Angola and Nigeria. Partnership representatives of Witness Ministry (URCSA Cape Region Synod and DRC Western Cape Synod), Partners in Witness (DRC Free State Synod), NetACT ( and CLF (Christian Literature Fund: are also part of this forum.

During the first session the members were introduced to each other and briefly shared what work, projects and challenges they have to deal with in their respective ministries. Countries such as Angola and Mozambique still struggle to eradicate post-war consequences of the destruction of infrastructure, poor schooling, and so forth. Most of them struggle with corruption and poverty, like us here in South Africa, while others are struggling with the impoverishment of the gospel as prosperity theology.

This year there were a lot of firsts: It was the very first time that URCSA appointed a general secretary, and what is more, she is a woman! Me. Desiree Brown, formerly employed in banking, was welcomed with great enthusiasm. Her expertise and valuable contributions were received with great appreciation during the meeting. “It made me realize that the Gospel of Christ still has the penetrating power to speak to our people as it did 2 000 years ago,” her Facebook entry reads afterwards.

It was also the first time our sister church in Angola could attend the meeting, as well as their general secretary, Alberto Daniels – it was also his first visit to South Africa. He was deeply touched to see that there was already a chapter of their church published in the book, A Family of Reformed Churches in Africa. The fact that there are other Reformed sister churches in neighbouring countries is comforting and encouraging, especially for the churches who are suffering in their own countries.

It was also the first time that the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa was invited to be a new member in the circle. Rev. Nelson Posholi was immediately requested to assist Dr. William Zulu and me. Desireé Brown to set up a guideline document for the general secretaries’ job description. This diligent team took up their task very seriously and helped (with the input of the rest of the group) to compile a meaningful document that will be of great help to general secretaries in future.

The value of the Christian Literature Fund Partnership was explained by their marketer Berlise Louwrens and editor Danny Fourie during the launch of a wealth of pamphlets, books and sermon guides; all valuable tools that discuss relevant themes in various languages ​​in an attractive way. Their manager, Charmaine Stofberg, was also present.

It was also of great importance that Rev. Nico Mostert from Bloemfontein, who represented NetACT, was present. NetACT is a partner that forms a network of theological schools, of which all these RFF churches are members. They do not only contribute to the promotion of pastoral education, but NetACT also offers these members the opportunity to help develop a church theology from and for Africa. Books like “Men in the pulpit. Women in the Pew?” and the award-winning “Living with Dignity” has been developed and published by NetACT.

The rest of the weekend was devoted to reflect on topics such as how to be a missional church, how to understand public theology and public witness, what role the church should play in this and how to understand and handle prosperity theology – concepts that were for most of our group still vague and unclear, but which were well discussed with the input of experts and researchers and tested and highlighted by the Word of the Lord.

The kaleidoscope of the quality of input from the diverse backgrounds of these members has just made us realize how rich our Reformed Church is with its more than 8 million members in Africa and how important it is to discuss our challenges from our different contexts with each other. May the RFF always helps to guide in such a way, that the world can see we belong to Christ.

Mariëtte Odendaal

The outgoing General Secretary (photo), Rev Libias, Boloma, sends us the names of the new office bearers that were elected at their recent Synod Meeting:

Synod Moderator – Rev Aston Galanti

Vice Synod Moderator – Rev Alexander Malemelo

General Secretary – Rev Kingstar Chipata

Deputy General Secretary – Rev Jaredi Mwale

Synod Actuary – Rev Mizeki Mndola

Committee Member – Mr Emmanuel Mavata

Committee Member – Mrs Loice Mbewe

Rev Boloma continues, “In this regard, we shall have an Induction Ceremony for the General Secretary on the 1st of July 2018 at CCAP City Church, at 10:00am.

“As before, we remind you that all official communication with CCAP Synod of Harare should be through the General Secretary using this same email address or his personal email address (

“We continue to cherish the relationship between CCAP Synod of Harare and your organisation/institution.

“May the LORD bless us All.”

We thank God for your good leadership, Rev Libias Boloma. May God bless you.

Please take serious notice of the suffering of our brothers and sisters in the Benue State, Central Nigeria. “All Nigerian lives matter. There is no reason to kill in the name of cattle rearing or farming. We therefore call on all men and women of goodwill to stand with Benue State as we pave the way for peace and brotherliness with all Nigerians that wish to live and do business of any kind inside Benue State of Nigeria.” (Press Conference of MAFO, 15 January 2018) Continue reading

You are one of our Reformed Family in Africa’s seven million members and, like all the others, you are represented by your church’s General Secretary.

The General Secretaries of our Dutch Reformed Church family in Africa held their first RFF (Reformed Family Forum) meeting in 2015 and, since then, have come together once a year in one of the member-countries. Continue reading

Last year the general secretaries of 14 sister Reformed Churches in Southern Africa met for the first time to establish the DRC Reformed Family Forum. It was held in Lusaka, Zambia and it was indeed a historical meeting!

It was with great gratitude and joy that we rediscovered our family ties as sister churches and celebrated our shared history and Reformed identity. Continue reading