All posts by: Witness Ministry

About Witness Ministry

The outgoing General Secretary (photo), Rev Libias, Boloma, sends us the names of the new office bearers that were elected at their recent Synod Meeting:

Synod Moderator – Rev Aston Galanti

Vice Synod Moderator – Rev Alexander Malemelo

General Secretary

ZIMBABWE: Although we all know about the recent political leadership change in Zimbabwe, the circumstances at grassroot level are still very challenging. Rev Charles Juro, the General Secretary of our sister church, the RCZ (Reformed Church in Zimbabwe) sent as

You are one of our Reformed Family in Africa’s seven million members and, like all the others, you are represented by your church’s General Secretary.

The General Secretaries of our Dutch Reformed Church family in Africa held their first RFF …

Last year the general secretaries of 14 sister Reformed Churches in Southern Africa met for the first time to establish the DRC Reformed Family Forum. It was held in Lusaka, Zambia and it was indeed a historical meeting!

It was …

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